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The Art of Money 

Empowering YOU with YOUR Numbers!




1.   You Don’t Find It Easy to Celebrate People’s Success

Do you find it easy to celebrate people’s success? Sometimes the people that achieved things you desire for your own life? We might be jealous of people who have more than us. It shows that we don’t understand God will provide. We don’t believe that there is plenty for everybody. Somebody else’s prosperity doesn’t reduce God’s ability to prosper you.

2.     You Make Stories about Powerful/Successful People

What stories do you tell yourself about the extremely powerful, famous and rich people? Do you catch yourself telling a story that they might have done something wrong to succeed? Maybe they were lucky or only had powerful connections… The reason we repeat these stories is because we might be jealous of them and we want to reduce them in our minds.

3.     You Highlight the Terrifying Risk of Each Opportunity

You find a problem with every opportunity. You are terrified of taking risks because you think you are being logical. You still believe that a true opportunity doesn’t come with a high risk. You see risk as this ugly thing so you forget about most opportunities.

4.     You Have this Feeling that Something is About to Go Wrong

Do you often feel that something bad is about to happen? Or when you are having a beautiful day you feel like there’s something wrong and a bad day is coming.

5.     You See Yourself as the Powerless Victim

When life is not going the way you want, instead of feeling responsible and doing something about it, you see yourself as a powerless victim. This shows that you are not connected to the greatness inside of you and you don’t understand that in this life you are more than a conqueror.

6.     You Say to Yourself “I am not Enough”

Do you often feel like you need certain things or people to feel fulfilled and confident? It’s easy for us to rely on our achievements, looks and people around us to feel confident when we are not rooted in healthy self-love. Unworthiness and lack of self-love are like those magnets that repel prosperity and make us slaves of poverty.

Wrap it Up

Poverty mentality creates a reality of lack, jealousy, anxiety and self-hatred. You will always feel limited and unworthy of a great and rich life that others have. You have the feeling that you will never have enough, you constantly feel the lack. While working with my clients, it's always a joy for me and them to use effective techniques to destroy any set of beliefs that stands in the way of their prosperity, growth and the life they want to live.

The barriers of success are in our hearts and minds. We believe lies that create a sad reality in our lives. You, like everyone else, are called to live a positive, prosperous life. If you have this poverty mindset and want to break down the walls standing between you and your prosperity and success then you might be interested in my Prosperity Mindset Coaching Program. Let’s break down these walls together and discover the unfolded richness life might have for you.


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