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The Art of Money 

Empowering YOU with YOUR Numbers!


Changing your thinking to financial Success - Confidence


CONFIDENCE can be described as a belief in oneself, that one can meet life's challenges and to succeed—and acting in a way that conveys that belief. Being CONFIDENT requires having a realistic sense of one’s capabilities and feeling secure in that knowledge. KREA believe that in order to change our thinking, mindset and heart we must be CONFIDENT within ourselves and in what we are doing to make a difference for others.

Our brand line was “Cultivating financial CONFIDENCE.” As an entrepreneur for over 20 years I stepped into the Accounting Industry from being a creative. I had experience in business and 2 years of study while achieving a Postgraduate diploma in Professional Accounting, but my CONFIDENCE lacked, stepping into a new Industry. I set out to help small business owners understand their finances, to be able to make well informed business decisions. My CONFIDENCE lacked because I did not agree with the current behavior and way the Accounting industry was operating and doubted what I wanted to achieve for business owners. So, you may ask, how did you build your CONFIDENCE. I have a faith, and, in the word, it states: Trust in the lord, do not lean on your own understanding. So, I did, I was led by faith and not by sight or by what the Accounting industry were doing and saying.

As I started to help more and more businesses with ensuring their financial system was set up and the daily transactions were processed to the right chart of account, people were inspired and confident with understanding their finances and were able to make well informed business decision, being one step closer in achieving their goals. This in turn, gave me CONFIDENCE and belief in myself, that my approach in helping businesses to understand their finances and manage the day to day well, is setting them up to SUCCEED.

In building CONFIDENCE within understanding your business finances we developed C.O.I.N training modules offering a range of session times through webinar or 1 on 1 virtual meetings. C.O.I.N stands for Confidence – Outcome – Insight – Net Profit. We understand what accountants need, to ensure that your end of year financial statements have all the information required to comply with tax legislation. Our C.O.I.N training Modules will help you to gain confidence and understanding to maintain the day to day maintenance of your financial software system.

  • Confidence creates understanding
  • Outcomes are created by processing the information correctly
  • Insight creates learning
  • Net Profit is created by connecting, learning, processing and understanding
  • C.O.I.N is created and that is what we need to have our business wheels move.

The best way to ensure a balanced sense of CONFIDENCE is to assess oneself reasonably. CONFIDENCE that’s based firmly on what one knows may not only be a better guide than inflated CONFIDENCE; studies suggest it’s also more likely to earn the faith of others. Projecting CONFIDENCE will gain credibility and help but others to ease. I pray that your belief in yourself will project CONFIDENCE within you and humbly show others how to SUCCEED with their CONFIDENCE.


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